Many generations of my diaspora scottish family have surveyed how asians and central europeans will likely make the biggest contribution to whether millennaisl are first sustainability generation. Copperation Chalenges to humanity in my lifetime has never been more urgent than schools year 22-23
Here are some of cmpasses I am exploring with asian entrepreneurial revolutionariesfrom spet 2022 to june 2023- please contact me if you have a matching interest of ir i have missed something;
how can islands and supercities lead design of sustainability's win-win traes across communities; should the UN;s sddgs be called colaboration sdgs at least on education food sceurity climate secutity health?
lets suppose we got mass media and web1,2 wrong as far as valuing sustainability and indeed all the value and work within communities which is diferent from gdp counted by worlds biggest organsdiations; how can under 35s lead design of web3 and metaverse and daos - see some of tehse examples
example un is promtining of nations leaping up in egov - eg see mongilia hosting un summity digitalglobal2022 and 9 cooperation agenda of Un2 and egov anywhere
look at these daos
look at these hong kong advances; anything searcing metverse and jeanne lim" or hat siu or "joe tso" ; see yif=dan prizes next leaps for education week astartying 25 spet has hoige zoom with stafiord on accelerating learning and annouces the 7th global nlauteates; see also li ka shings university partnerships ;see the series of summits whub hosted over the pandemic period; i am told elon musj=k chnaged hong kong startupmmindset with a ppeech probanly 2016- sinece then startup econsystems in hk have blossomed arguably in ways every young city can join in
I am starting with trip to hong kong - through my life islands like hong kong and singapoe have done more to design win-win trades and change the world that got shapes by the colonial island of UK and japam; as early as 1962 my father's survey consuder japan was arguing noy only tahtb japam was fastest rising economy but if could design winwin trades for other asian economies to linkin atsrating with korea s taiwan hong kong sdingpore (japan had found 2 models - how to make vilagers up to 10 times more productive wuth rice and other crops thanks to borlaug - this was a win-win for food sceurity in every locality that networked the knowhow); because of containerisation sme supplky chains in advancing tech could design wein-wins across suroper port cities and nations beter than traport across contient - at elast until bullet train had mapped in a network of continetal supercities too