my father's last project became searching bangladesh's most effective sustainable goals youth networks.discuss valuation video
Dad had previously helped The Economist previously map japan's impact on livelihoods around the world from 1962, open learning worlwide from 1972 and china's from 1975 but had been refused a visa from Indira Gandhi's India in spite of being married to the daughter of the scottish judge who wrote up the legalese of india's independence with Gandhi. He had also served in world war 2 as teenage navigator of RAF planes over modernday Bangladesh and Myanmar. So he knew the nature of the region so to speak. And all this gelled with returning to cambridge to be last alumni class informed by keynes on hippocratic oath of professional economists as exponential futures primary system mapmakers. Dad also shared in his father's hairy experiences as a british consul in stalins moscow and later the last red sea port used by Jews to escape Hitler. His childhood geographically often mirrored peter drucker who was about 10 years elder and whom he first met in Moscow. History the way small business peoples entrepreneurially freed ,it not how the richest paid academics to write it up always seemed to offer dad peacemaking clues. So John's final contributor to MIT week on how American politicians of all stripes have lost any spiral understanding of history even as mainly american technology/coding has globalised us all is scary to me. I would suggest black and latino youth write their own curricula as fast as possible and peer to peer teach it but then america's youth sustainability challenges may be the hardest in the so called civilised world.
Dad had previously helped The Economist previously map japan's impact on livelihoods around the world from 1962, open learning worlwide from 1972 and china's from 1975 but had been refused a visa from Indira Gandhi's India in spite of being married to the daughter of the scottish judge who wrote up the legalese of india's independence with Gandhi. He had also served in world war 2 as teenage navigator of RAF planes over modernday Bangladesh and Myanmar. So he knew the nature of the region so to speak. And all this gelled with returning to cambridge to be last alumni class informed by keynes on hippocratic oath of professional economists as exponential futures primary system mapmakers. Dad also shared in his father's hairy experiences as a british consul in stalins moscow and later the last red sea port used by Jews to escape Hitler. His childhood geographically often mirrored peter drucker who was about 10 years elder and whom he first met in Moscow. History the way small business peoples entrepreneurially freed ,it not how the richest paid academics to write it up always seemed to offer dad peacemaking clues. So John's final contributor to MIT week on how American politicians of all stripes have lost any spiral understanding of history even as mainly american technology/coding has globalised us all is scary to me. I would suggest black and latino youth write their own curricula as fast as possible and peer to peer teach it but then america's youth sustainability challenges may be the hardest in the so called civilised world.
John and Jayfus i think it would be invaluable if you establish all direct modes of chatting with mostofa eg skype zaman.mostofa . I hope the question of most concern to all of us is ... what does the map of all brac's wizard app teams look like - and what other wizard app teams might BRAC want to partner next- and for those of us who believe open learning is the sustainable economy how can we linkin everywhere youth livelihoods matter.
25 years ago while working at coopers and lybrand and then the world's largest ad agencies of martin sorrell, i started developing maths for valuation of the most trusted brand partnerships geared to the purpose of connecting youth to end poverty and all sustainability goals. My EIU-published book Brand Chartering describes how to test whether any global brand leader values a higher purpose. It was later plagarised (and also misapplied in terms of its valuation component) by a west coast american professor who better remain nameless
The week beginning april 24 mostofa and amy and Yuxuan will visit the family who founded BRAC- today in my view the brand partnership that values youth the most. BRAC was asked last month by Bangladesh gov to put the curricula it has taught for real in 25000 village primary schools and which earned it the first education laureate WISE on a digital platform reaching all 20 million primary children and teachers. This will be the daughter of all gamechangers in little sisters attempts to save human race from the big brother endgame- now countries with not enough teachers will lead the way in digital learning with most relevant curriculum accessible to all communities. This is not an expensive process (or difficult coding challenge) if the government says use it everywhere. What expensive is the marketing cost when gov and trade unions say use it nowhere or the biggest universities profit models for bankrupting students depend on each university owning curricula/certificate which necessarily have nothing to do with sustainability (otherwise youth not be suffering both sustainability and jobs crises)
BRAC's cashless bank Home | bKash has just become the largest in the world after just 5 years of development with help from MIT coders and dubai's main sustainability investment bank and a bit of moral encouragement from george soros whose 20th open society awards went to sir fazle abed founder of BRAC. Over the last 20 years Soros is actually the common thread between Yunus, Sir Fazle Abed, Paul Farmer and Jim Kim- all of whom in effect have their greatest pro-youth successes when implementing the Franciscan models of Preferential Option Poor - the most bottom up and open everything model that professionals and youth can network around.
When Mostofa and i first started searching we were evaluating muhammad yunus and grameen- my fathrers last public birthday party 2008 was with yunus- his remembrance party at the economist was co-staged with yunus, but soon yunus was to lose everything in bangladesh in a great political war with the current prime minister. Sheikh Hasina's father founded the nation of bangladesh and she didnt not want yunus to be more famous than her dad. Sounds like the bottom-up nursery rhyme of a kingdom being lost for a nail, but in this case whole of youth's planet...
7 years ago mostofa and i first met naila (founding female director of grameen phone in 1996) and discovered she was the only person then in bangladesh able to walk into 3 courts simulatanously - yunus, hasina and sir fazle abed. Oddly the year before we met naila we helped worlwide youth host yunus 69th birthday wish party in the form of an open space with yunus and brac kindly sent two of its top people to whom yunus was very cold. It was the first time that I sensed that Yunus had all the wrong sorts of american PR backing to last out whatever was going to be the digital youth futures of bangladesh and end poverty's greatest bottom-up solutions catalogue
chris macrae
Later as our journals turn out : it can be seen that while yunus had done a few miraculous things, he had alos told stories on the world stage he cfreated around Grameen about system innovations that brac had actually founded first. It is brac that built health and school systems from scratch in the rural areas- and brac didnt just give loans to village mothers it changed value chains first. Footnoted is how BRAC created million jobs by taking over leadership of the poultry sector in bangladesh- arguably the most successful pre-digital app of chuck's methodology. So while today's most urgent questions are next linkins of digital coders to sustainability's bottom up amps, BRAC' s scale of replication is grounded on being peoples and communities most trusted economic kind (provided we are talking about modeling how to maximise the opportunity of every human beings livelihood in ways that open learning can take way above zero-sum because knowhow multiplies value in use unlike consuming up things)
Owning a few chickens to lay eggs was a typical villager income earner in 1970s Bangladesh. BRAC analysed that the value of the number of eggs laid by the traditional scrawny chicken couldn’t amount to a living wage. So BRAC bred a superchicken that laid many more eggs. The problem with this hard working chicken was that it needed periodic veterinary attention. The three jobs – breeding superchickens , laying eggs veterinary services for village chickens were supplemented by 2 other job descriptions: retailing the now surplus eggs to villagers requirements; producing chicken feed from areas not capable of cultivating human crops. In all these 5 microfranchises, created nearly a million womens jobs in BRAC’s race to end villager poverty, and had made BRAC the leading player in Bangladesh ’s poultry market. The whole value chain is designed so that the once poorest local female producers can sustain a good livelihood. Constituted and owned as a village trust, BRAC isn’t sucking out quarterly profit to any global shareholders the way that most nations' chicken industry leaders do.