Dear Diva wonderful to hear from you -so much i always want to find out with young people who the late great kalam started to empower- he was pretty much the only national leader who worked much of his life with satellite communications, knew what an opne learning revolution they could be for worldiwde youths livelihoods and was totally concerned with the future of youth. We call places led by people who value youth superplaces- i am always trying to understand where they are at regional levels underneath the radar of national policies. This also seems to me to be one of the very few really unique pro-youth purposes that hubs can serve. 1776 being one ehub space to study as it cross ferilises youth experiments from san francisco to DC to dubai to brooklyn (and so UN) to canada.
Additionally my mothers side of the family spent many generations in india as pharmacists and lawyers. To this day Mumbai has a major suburb named kemps corner after the pharmacy my family one used to run and my grandad worked 25 years in mediating mahatma gandhi- grandads last job was to write up the legalese for India's Independence. All this means is Gandh or montessorri or mandela inspired youth networks are among my very favorite to try to map- albeit I have only been to India 3 times and only once to a summit of 1000 Gandhians organsied by an australian paul k who appeared to be a friend of George who gave that tremarkable presentation on how much peer to peer networks on adolesecent hea;lth can now change the world
Firstly can i ask you - did you meet John Kiehl? I set up a meeting between you and him on day you were travleing to new york but never got any feedback. His circles might know some clues to your question on how to be involved with such spaces as worlkd economic forum
Second your famous project was to put sensors on anilmals to monitor their weelbeing - does this mean you are interested in sensors worn by humans too. I know the person who started all of that but dont understand which youth networks change the world with him
People with formal positions like lundberg at the world back or i assume top professors at big universities are formally bettetr placed to answer your question of would a space like world economic form empower a youth like you. I specfialise in not having any formal permissions partluy because I dont have any acknowledged status abnd partly becasue most of the world economic forum has caused the loss of youth sustainabiulity that is still spinning (see attached brochure revisiting 45 years of my fatthers Entrepreneuriak Revolutiuon purpose as a keynsian pro-youth economist)- so i am interested in spotting what hi-trust people pass through there but not myself relating to its organisers. In the days that WEF was mainly a few leaders skiing , my dad was one of the originators. Then WEF had a lucky accident -it happened to have quite a strong arab group membershilo the year oil prices went crazy - so it has always been an opportunity space where middle east and other leaders can try and find common grounds but only off camera. Most of the publicised proceedings is just PR
I have copied the two young people at the world bank event that i most know and hope to continuously research with. Have you cintunued concersations wuth both of them. Basically i have an old fashuined jouralist model in mind of wanting to linkin youth correspondents all of the world. many of you will have at least 2 places you are passionate about. So stephanie is the main young person i know who is semi-peremanently based in new york. She van "invetsigate" eg the UN something that is one of the continuous actions of Jhn Kiehl;s circles. She is also passionate about Cameroon - her family's original countruy and if I call corretly grew up in Canada which actiually has one of the most positive dynamics on the americas- i personally dont see USA under clinton or trump leading the deepest solutions youth need over next 15 years - canada is the one place on the continent that can. Of course indiviuduals and subnetworks can often do extreme innovation in ways that national policy cannot anyway
I have worked with china' amy continuously for her year abrioad in usa london dubai. In the last 4v weeks chiense youth have recipricated the exchnages with my fitrst 2 visits to china and the hope that we can arrange leadership toutrs there. I have tried to uinderstand through amy's eyes each of the 17 sustainanilty goals networks which she was in new york to see born. Then with hi-level people's access like dianne john naila -each is deeply connected wit 3 or 4 goals whenever the UN hosts a goal related event. So amy has the permissions to find out from tese people what I cant and reconnect it with her home - what is it that only china and quarter a billion young chiense women can lead sustainability world around
Let me introduce you to mostofa who does adevnture touts to the gtreatest end ;poverty partnerships the young world is free to know- he also has direct experience of being conected with some of the clinton networks. Also if your home schedule permits you to travel to dubai on 29 november it would be useful to see if there is an area of research - eg improving peer to peer knowledge of how to choose a global university (one of the topics that the world bank recognoised partly becauise of your questioning). Mostofa is coordinating a summit in which superplace dubai hopes to empower relationship with 100 youth and their mentoring networks as part of the regions two goals:
1 to generate huge numbers of new jobs
2 to be a regiuon extremely innovative youth want to be a frend of over these next 15 yeras of winning or losing sustainability
Yuxuan and amy try nd help each orher on biggest projects chinese girls ever come across. As a graduate of the university where most of chiuna's leaders emerged Yuxuan's knindness to show us round beijing has no equal that I will ever meet. Additionally Yuxuan is already a youth fellow of WISE the other greate UAE network to be linking in to
I do invite particularly you ladies and mostiofa to chat; my family remembers the freedom of spoeech days where young reporters were put onto subjects they were most curious about but had no expertise; i would like to get back to a world where everyone is free to report what they are ciurious about searchking relentlessly and without fear or favor - that means we will often make mistakes but sincere ones in trying to connect this world in different bottom-up pro-youth ways than top-down systems can beging to imagine let alone action
thanks chris macrae
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